About Lacombe
"LACOMBE" blending traditon with technology.You'll be extremely impressed with the balance of old and new that you will find in the beautiful community of Lacombe. Incorporated as a village on July 28,1896, and in 1902 as a town.Agriculture has played a major role in the economical growth here and since the early 70's and 80's the expansion of the petro-chemical industry has employed hundreds of people.The people here in Lacombe enjoy a close community spirit and strong ecomomical growth.
We pride ourselves with having many historical homes here that add to the charm of our town. We have participated in the "Communities in Bloom" program that is province wide and this has added tremendously to beautifying our community, showing again the pride and spirit that is here. We have an aquatic centre complete with an excellent arena facility and a curling rink. There is also another pool facility located at the Canadian Union College."LIVE THE LIFE YOU LOVE IN LACOMBE"